Monday, 21 July 2014

The price that has to be paid for the re-construction of society to be just and fair.

I don't know where I got this picture from, but one might imagine it as of First Empress Fahraa, founder of the Syai movement established over most regions of the planet Feishoafeis (formerly known as Okraalom). The man behind her in the shadow might be her general, the commander of the forces that had to use minimal violence to impose the New Order that created the just society and banished war forever. (Fahraa herself was very distressed that any military action at all had to be used.)

Why would a 'Utopia' need a government and a legal system - let alone a military general - to start with? Wouldn\t a 'utopia' be just full of happy well-behaved people? Not what you might call a real utopia that takes account of evolution and our basic animal nature. Utopian realism is only an aspiration of balance: a lessening of fateful blows whether by natural or h(r)uman antagonists; coupled with fair governance based on experience and reason. It offers no cure for existential angst - distress such as in facing old age and death.

The leaders in wealth, power and influence in our Earth-societies have managed to maintain, even increase, influence and control over the ordinary citizen under their various jurisdictions. The resources and energies of those they are supposed to protect are used in their jockeying for power between themselves, dragging the ordinary citizenry into their quarrels and providing what they take to be justification for military power and expansion. The power-elite protect ownership rights and freedoms of individuals and groups, but in such a way that genuine justice is not served; the 'fruits' of the protective legal and financial system are progressively captured by a smaller and smaller percentage of the population. How does this happen?  Not because the rising super-wealthy are more ambitious, industrious and smart than the rest of us. Many of them, of course, are indeed well-educated in working their way through the arcane, tortuous maze of the global financial system. The rest of aspiring citizens must struggle against the inherent advantages of the better-off few at the top.

What makes the basic injustice or out present system happen, is that most of the very rich and super-rich are served by opinion-leaders and the media to uphold a system that has two 'mechanisms' to put, and keep, them there, well on-top. Secrecy is one of these, often misguidedly defended under the guise of protection of privacy. Secrecy drags us into leadership quarrels between groups and nations that are constantly eyeing what resources are left out there in the wider world. The other 'mechanism' is basically the right that the legal systems in general gives to semi-monopolizing giant corporations to behave as if they were individuals, with the rights that individuals normally have, or should have, to satisfy a genuine flesh-and-blood individual's modest needs. But the corporate individual does not have comparative modest needs. They have gigantic, voracious needs and voracious cravings to try to satisfy an ever-expanding catalogue of  'needs' dictated to them by their stake-holders and overpaid chiefs, with their demands to exploit for maximum profit  a 'consumerist' market driven by viciously competitive and misleading advertising.

To be as personally private as you please when you please is freely granted under the Syai system as described by Terres. But, beyond that, there is no transactional and public-affecting secrecy. You have the right to know all about the other person or group, and they have the right to know all about you, apart from the really important aspect of privacy just mentioned. That is the pre-requisite of a genuine justice system. If the "less important" privacy-come-secrecy is not sacrificed to justice, the system will evolve toward what we presently have on Earth. It will become more and more depressingly unjust, not just to ourselves but to our descendants and all persons and fellow-creatures that do and will in the near future inhabit this planet.

(This is probably my last blog for a while: Terres and I are at a fairly crucial stage in the study of the Syai language and the adjustment of it for presentation as a viable language for this planet.)

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