Monday, 31 March 2014

This picture was on my face book posts and I added the connection to the above to get the more dramatic picture of the giant rat caught in a kitchen in Sweden. My interest in this is due the beginnings of the 'Syai' project when I decided that evolution on the Syai planet (Feishoafeis) would throw up a dominant human-like species not quite like us. It  would be of evolutionary descent from large rodents with some similarity to the rat. Marsupials and even birds can evolve to fill 'gaps' that cause them to become very similar in appearance to the mammals that would (if available) normally fill those gaps. I reason, then, that the Syai wouldn't be much different from us, as far as 'intelligent'  life goes. The chilling thought, exercising the minds of  some evolution-researching academics lately, is that our rats are waiting in the wings for out final  "stuff-up" and extinction. Some branch-species will grow to our size in the post-human regenerating world; will feed off the smaller rat-species, dress in their skins, live in caves and eventually replace our civilization (with one - hopefully - more like the Syai?!)

Friday, 28 March 2014

I need more assistance on how to operate this blog and to find the possible channels of interest in it. This blog is very relevant to the present global 'crisis' of confidence (and lack of it) in the future: whether we are moving more toward a 'dystopia' or making some progress out of the dangers we are in to approach some sate that is more 'utopian' than the state we are in at this start of the 21st Century.

 I have discovered by exploring through Google that there must be considerable interest "out there" in invented languages. There are or have been many 'experiments' in it and I believe they all have something to teach us about language, even if they aren't (in themselves) very successful. One of the uniquenesses of the Syai language is that it has its own native script (existing only on my computer so far, I'm afraid).